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Project 1: Form & Function:
Expression of Truth/Beauty
Michael Diaz
Student – Architectural Design II
Farmingdale State College
Form and Function
Creative design comes from all around us . This project was to explore different mechanical movements and combine them with existing architecture to come up with trans-formative design ideas. This project is for a movable parts bridge that provides a 30ftx40ft opening for ships to go under.
1)Quebec Bridge
2)Baltimore Truss
3)Francis Scott Key Bridge
Quebec Bridge
Quebec Bridge Span
Baltimore bridge
Baltimore bridge span
Francis Scott Key Bridge
Francis Scott Key Bridge Span
Movement Analogies
Conceptual combinations table (3X3)
Preliminary Designs
Out of the 18 designs took one bridge and I put three different movement analogies on the bridge I liked and then picked the bridge I like the best.
Final Design
3D Views of the mechanism
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